Join Veterans Recovery Network (Membership Application) Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLast(Membership Applicant) immediately Gender [/s/:] Name SuffixSelect OneEsq.Jr.Sr.M.D.IIIIIIV(if applicable)Gender *Select OneMaleFemaleOther/Not SpecifiedDate of Birth *(MM/DD/YYYY) *Must be over 18 years of ageThe applicant is applying for membership as a: *Select OneMilitary VeteranWounder Warrior (Wartime Veteran)Spouse of Military VeteranChild of Military VeteranKin of Wartime VeteranFriend of Active VRN Member (RSVP Only)Spouse's First Name(if applicable): Nickname(if applicable):Branch of Military ServedSelect OneArmyAir ForceMarine CorpsNavyCoast GuardNational Guard/Military Reserve(Please select one, or skip if you are applying as an Affiliate-Member)Email Contact *EmailConfirm EmailNOTE: Your email address will be assigned as your member login username)Street Address *City/Town *State/Province *(Use two-letter abbreviation; e.g,, New York: NY; California: CA; Nevada: NV; Puerto Rico: PR)Zip/Postal Code *Country *Select OneUSAPhilippinesMexicoMicronesiaPalauMarshall IslandsOther/Non-U.S. Location (please specify below)Please specify your primary country of residence. If you reside in a territory of the U.S. (e.g., PR, GU, MP, VI, AS) please input as a state above, and select ‘USA’ here.Country of Residence (if outside of USA)(Skip if you reside in the U.S. or any territority or possession of the U.S.)Phone Contact *(XXX-XXX-XXXX)Preferred Mobile Chat AppsWhatsAppTelegramMessengerI prefer SMS/text messaging(Check all that apply)Type of Membership *Select One – $0.00Veteran Member (1-Year) – New Membership – $40.00Veteran Affiliate (1-Year) – New Membership – $40.00Veteran Member (Lifetime Membership) – $400.00MEMBERSHIP TYPE. Please select the type of membership you are applying for today (see drop down menu above). APPLICANT UPDATE. There is a one-time application fee of $25 for all new members that will be waived application submissions made from 11/11/24 through 12/31/24.LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP.Only Veteran Members may join as lifetime members. If you are a veteran’s spouse or child, please join as ‘Affiliate Member.’ Payment Method *Select OnePaypalVemmoCashappVisa/Mastercard/AMEXCheck/Bank TransferOtherPlease select the method of payment you wish to use for fees related to this Application as disclosed above. You will receive a payment request link via email or SMS text message.How I Heard About VRN *Select OneAnother Active VRN MemberVRN Employee/VRN EventGoogle/Social MediaOtherHow did you hear about Veterans Recovery Network?Membership Referral ID Code (if applicable)If you do not have this code, please insert the email address, mobile phone number, or name of the active member who referred you.)I, the "Membership Applicant," hereby declare that information on this Application to be true and correct, have chosen to submit this Application for membership at Veterans Recovery Network Inc., for immediate review before the Board of Membership Council, becoming immediately effective under a provisional status for thirty days from the submission and approval date of this Application. *I AGREEPlease select “AGREE” above only if you accept and agree to the terms and conditions under the respective organizational bylaws of Veterans Recovery Network (“VRN”) acknowledged under this Agreement. (See VRN Bylaws at Applicant Signature [/s/:] *(Please print your first/last name) This application for membership as an “Veteran-Member” or “Affiliate-Member” has been submitted by a person over the age of 21, who is a U.S. military veteran, or a U.S. military veteran’s spouse or child or are kin of a war-time military veteran, who has agreed to the membership terms and conditions under the Organization Bylaws of Veterans Recovery Network Inc., a nonprofit corporation, held in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Federated States of Micronesia (Dipwinluhk Tribal Council), under charitable and tax-exemption status pursuant to 26 U.S. Code §§ 501(c)(3), 509(a)(2) et seq., in addition to participation in organizational activities regulated under existing laws and regulations under Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 462; Nevada Gambling Control Board Regulation 4A, or under a joint venture affiliate on events or activities under Dipwinluhk Sports Gaming & Tourism Commission (License No. CS-356-24, 2 KTG Ordinance No. KTG 08-93, Kolonia, FSM). This online form was submitted at